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  • 【法学前沿课程全英系列暨新港报告法学系列】一带一路:协奏曲中的法律音符
  • 发布时间:2019/07/07 08:52:36 新闻来源: 本站 点击量:



The“One Belt and One Road”(B&R) Initiative is in compliance with the irresistible trend of globalization and was resulted there from. As international public goods, it has, since unveiling by China in 2013, attracted much attention in the international community. The B&R covers countries across Asia, Europe and Africa which have diversified cultures, tradition, and legal and political systems. Most of these countries practice market economic system. At the same time, B&R involves extensive government to government, enterprise to government and enterprise to enterprise co-operations. With these features, the implementation of the B&R requires a legal framework commensurate with the needs of the B&R countries. Thisreport will focus on the legal framework, which not only including both procedural and substantive rules, but also incorporate the existing basic international law principles and take into account the experiences and lessons of the existing multilateral systems. At the same time, it must promote free trade and investment and multilateralism. Thus the B&R legal framework and the existing international order will mutually supplement and support one another, and make its contributions to advancing international law in particular international trade and investment law.